Patrick Ruesse Roasters include: Lou Nanne, Charley Walters, Lavelle Neal III, & Jim Carter
Join the Minnesota Minute Men at the Roast and Toast Luncheon for former Minnesota Gophers head coach Jerry Kill, May 6th Noon at Jax Café in Minneapolis. Roasters and Toasters include, Jim Cater, Joel Maturi, Casey O'Brien, Ron Stolski, Dave Lee, Mike Max and Master of Ceremonies, Dick Jonckowski . Coach Kill will also be presented the Minute Men Courage Award for his outstanding commitment to the community under personnel hardship. The luncheon and memorabilia auction benefit Coach Kill's Chasing Dreams Epilepsy Fund and the Minute Men Amateur Athletics Foundation.
Tickets: Chasing Dreams:
The Minnesota Minute Men "Doing Good Will Through Sports"
The Minute Men Roast and Toast Luncheons are events that honor Minnesota sports personalities as well as raise funds for their favorite charities.
The Registration "Luncheons" is not currently available.